I like cereal. A lot. So, I'll occasionally post some cereal reviews here if I'm eating anything interesting. You, my three loyal readers, will not see a review of Cheerios, which also happens to be in our cupboard now.
At the grocery store I shop at there is not a wide variety of cereal. They did not stock Count Chocula, Franken Berry or Boo Berry this fall season. You cannot buy Golden Grahams. And of course, the cereal prices are outrageous. Everything is around $5.00 a box unless it is on sale.
While shopping yesterday, I saw that Wild Animal Crunch was on sale for $2.99. The description of "vanilla-chocolate" flavor intrigued me. The box was pretty interesting. It was really glossy and had animal trading cards that you can cut out (Sloth FTW!!!!!11!juan). Since I will purchase any cereal that looks like it might have some sugar in it if it is on sale, Wild Animal Crunch made its way into my shopping basket.
Upon waking up this morning, I poured myself a bowl of cereal along with some organic milk (thanks for the tip Gary).
The texture was pretty interesting. I don't mean that in a positive way. I thought it might have been stale, but the "good by" date is in December.
It tasted like nothing. Cardboard probably tastes better in milk than this stuff. I'd rather eat some shredded wheat, at least that has some good texture to it.
While the cereal itself showed no signs of its "vanilla-chocolate" flavor, the remaining milk had a hint of vanilla flavor. While this was great, it by no means mad up for the rest of the experience.
Overall, a pretty terrible cereal. Not worth the $2.99 I spent on it.
I cannot explain to you how much I love cereal. The fact that I cannot eat it kills me.
If they made high protein cereal and I gave soy milk a try, I might be able to get away with it. But I can't imagine high protein cereal tasting good (if it even exists).
Soy milk is probably fine with cereal although I have never tried it.
Kashi Go Lean is high protein/high fiber (its made with a bunch of soy stuff) but has wheat and such too. that's probably as close as you'll get.
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