Mandy has wanted to get a chocolate babka for a while now. Last week after trying to go to the Rachel Ray Show, we stopped into Zaro's in Grand Central but they had no babka and Mandy was less than pleased with the store layout. I'm pretty sure she muttered "I will never ever ever step foot in NYC ever again" or something to that effect.
Much to my surprise, one day this week after class she stopped into the Zaro's and brought one home.
Now, while Zaro's website insists that they have been making their babka the same way as "the old days" I'm not sure I believe that. The top is heavily coated with powered sugar and chocolate drizzle. Mandy referred to it as "novelty" babka.
The bread portion was a little on the dry side for my tastes. Mandy thought that the chocolate wasn't distributed well throughout the babka.
I don't think we will be purchasing another one from Zaro's, but I'm sure this won't be the last babka review.