I have a Heavy Seas barlywine that was aged in wine barrels sitting in the fridge that I'm looking forward too.
This one though was really not like other ones I've had (sierra nevada bigfoot is the only other one it looks like i've written about here; i think i've had dogfish heads also) My comments were are pretty understated for the Troegs. Not sure if they distribute in CA? I'd definitely buy it again.
This will generally be about whatever I feel like writing about (hence the "stuff" part).
Topics may include: what I'm drinking, what I'm drinking, what I've drank in the past, the Nationals, what I'm drinking now, my unhealthy man-crush on Josh Howard, DC, video games, hilarious studies of dog behavior, etc.
Barleywines are a group of beers I haven't really ventured into yet. Got any to recommend?
Not really. I haven't had too many either.
I have a Heavy Seas barlywine that was aged in wine barrels sitting in the fridge that I'm looking forward too.
This one though was really not like other ones I've had (sierra nevada bigfoot is the only other one it looks like i've written about here; i think i've had dogfish heads also) My comments were are pretty understated for the Troegs. Not sure if they distribute in CA? I'd definitely buy it again.
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