Not sure what to write about this one. Its a belgian tripel. It doesn't taste as strong as it actually is. It has a medium amount of carbonation. Slightly sweet/caramel flavor. Maybe its slightly... creamy? maybe a slight hint of banana, but not as much as some others out there.
I'm not sure I particularly like this one, especially since I can't come up with a good way to describe it.
Bonus Mandy Thoughts: "It smells and tastes like a Belgian. Not a person. A beer."
Duder. Seriously. I log in here every day looking for a new post and all I see is a bottle and a pint glass. And then I realize it's actually just a new post for a beer that I probably won't drink. When do we get to see your Genesee Red Lager review?
At least there are new posts here. Zing.
unfortunately, genesee no longer makes the red lager or else i'd buy a case of it and review the outcome.
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