Hello to my four loyal readers. There hasn't been much cooking going on in the apartment for the past week for two reasons:
1) Thanksgiving - Mandy and I spent Thanksgiving with my parents. They proceeded to load us up with a ridiculous amount of leftovers to bring back to Sunnyside. This also does not include the fact that Gary gave me probably a pound of ham after I visited him at his parents. I ate a ridiculous amount of stuffing and sweet potato casserole this past week. No real cooking required.
2) Food Poisoning - I'll skip the messy details, but I'll tell you I blame it on the burger from
Bar 43. The bad meal was on Wednesday night and I only feel 100% today. Ugh.
Cooking will most likely resume tomorrow.
So to fill this blog with some other Joe related rambling, I present you my thoughts on some recently watched films from my Netflix Watch Instantly Queue.
Toy Soldiers - Oh man. This cast. Sean Astin, Louis Gossett Jr, Wil Wheaton,
R Lee Ermy, Denholm Elliot (brody from India Jones),
Lenny Briscoe. I was having trouble placing the Colombian terrorist, Andrew Divoff. Turns out he played Mikhail on Lost. Also
Russian Soldier #3 in the newest Indiana Jones movie. Such a wide acting range.
My plot synopsis: Sean Astin plays the rebellious rebel attending his 4th boarding school. Louis Gossett Jr. plays the no-nonsense dean. Terrorists take over the school in an attempt to... well, that doesn't really matter. Astin somehow manages to come up with a plan to rescue the students that the FBI/military find acceptable. Hilarity ensues.
I think the most shocking thing to me is that it came out in 1991. I thought it was filmed in the 80's. Then again, the entire cast is dressed like I was in middle school, so I guess this makes sense.
Favorite Scene: When Wil Wheaton storms down the stairs brandishing an uzi with an absurdly long barrel, how can you not get a ridiculous smile on your face?
3 stars
Lethal Weapon - An old TBS/TNT stand-by. An excellent way to waste 90 minutes of your life away. And there's no Joe Pesci in this one!! (I'm not sure if this is actually good or bad, I'll get back to you once I rewatch the rest of the trilogy +1).
My plot synopsis: Mel Gibson and Danny Glover team up in this cop buddy movie. Gibson plays a cop who is wacky (possibly auto-biographical). Glover plays an old detective whose catch phrase is "I'm too old for this." Hijinks ensue.
Eric Clapton did some of the music for this movie? Amazing. Doesn't explain all the sax solos though. Unless they had a guitar effects board in the 80's that modeled a saxophone.
Scene of the film: The entire ridiculous climax. Gary Busey and Mel Gibson in a fist fight to end the movie? Terrific stuff here. Also the fact that they (Gibson and Glover) drove a police car through Glover's living room when they could have just dealt with Busey outside if they knew he was coming.
3 stars