Sunday, February 20, 2011

Anderson Valley Winter Solstice


In honor of the winter solstice, I'm drinking a Winter Solstice. I will not be staying up to view the first lunar eclipse on the winter solstice in 342 years.

Its not often that I remember the first time I tried a beer. First time I had this was at Wonderland in Columbia Heights probably 5 years ago. Some dude brought a 3 liter bottle of Corsedonk Christmas Ale to the bar. He was offering tastes to anyone that wanted them. Later in the night I got a pint of the Winter Solistice.

Tastes pretty sweet and caramely. A slight hint of vanilla and maybe cinnamon? It tastes like Christmas to me. My favorite winter seasonal.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This beer is quite yummy.