Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Look at My Stuff - Donnie Baseball

Disclosure: I grew up a Yankees fan. So, it being the 80's, I loved Don Mattingly (and Dave Winfield, Dave Righetti, etc.)

(But hey, now I pull for a team that can't do anything right!)

So here's my Don Mattingly action figure.

And here's Donnie Baseball battling it out with Obi-Wan Kenobi with a dinosaur in the background.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Look at My Stuff - Star Wars Edition

Because one post about my Star Wars action figures wasn't enough, I bring you this post.

In middle school I sold off most of my Star Wars action figures. Apparently I managed to miss a few while herding them for the yard sale. Like these two duders. I have no clue who they are, except that they look pretty lame. Then there's Yoda.

Pictured above are two different versions of Yoda. On the left is the modern action figure. I think I bought this one around the time The Phantom Menace arrived in theaters. He's pretty lame. On the right is the old 80's version. He's got his own snake, cane and bathrobe to go along with some crazy eyes. You don't get that attention to detail these days.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Dogfish Head Midas Touch

I think this is one of the beers that they recreated based on some super-duper anthropology type stuff.

It um... tastes... interesting? On the bottle it said something about brewed with grapes. There may be a slight grape juice or something taste. It reminds me more of mead that I've tasted than beer.

I'm certainly glad I didn't buy a six pack of this. At the same time, its interesting enough that I might try one of the other beers they re-created based on residue from a shard of pottery.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Dogfish Head Palo Santo Marron

So I wanted to try this for sometime after I read about it in a New Yorker article a while back.

For being 12% abv, it doesn't have a strong alcohol taste to it. I'd say it doesn't taste like a brown ale, but I'm not an expert at these sorts of things. Its closer to a porter than a brown ale. A lot of heavy roasted malts in the taste. Overall, its pretty drinkable and enjoyable. I'm not sure I'd go out of my way to pick up another bottle though (even if it was aged in a gigantic wood barrel).

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Unibroue - Don De Dieu

I really like this beer. Its pretty fruity and citrusy (pretty sure that's not a word) than most of the beers I usually like. A pretty great summer beer. Just don't drink 4 of them in a row or you'll be plastered (9% abv)

That's it.