Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Sierra Nevada - Bigfoot 2011/2012/2013

From Joe Drinks Dinner and Stuff

2011 - Pours with a beautiful head. The aroma is mostly muted at this point. Taste is still bitter, caramely sweet. Its actually fairly balanced.

2012 - Aroma is about the same, maybe a little brighter. The taste has a slight tea like bitterness to it still. Bitterness lingers on the tongue.
While Mandy drank the 2011 happily, she returned her portion of the 2012 as undrinkable. It is slightly harsher than the 2011, but without the bright hoppy aroma of a fresh bottle.

From Joe Drinks Dinner and Stuff

From Joe Drinks Dinner and Stuff

Monday, April 29, 2013

New Belgium - Hoppy Bock Lager

From Joe Drinks Dinner and Stuff

Put some hops in it!

The first in a new series by New Belgium, where as far as I can tell, they will add an unnecessary amount of hops to beer styles that are not typically hoppy.

This wasn't that great. Bready with a standard lager flavor, but with a heavy amount of bitterness to it for the style. I'd pass. 

Friday, April 26, 2013

Devil's Backbone - Dark Abby

From Joe Drinks Dinner and Stuff

A decent dubbel. Priced very nicely ($10 for a six pack). Decent caramel sweetness. "Decent."

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Great Lakes - Rye of the Tiger

Yet another old review. Picture lost amongst all of Leah's dog fur. 

Great name. +1 on the marketing points.

I had this on draft a few months ago on the same night I had a Hopslam. I thought it was really great, but I didn't get a lot of rye out of it.

I'm not sure if the recipe's been changed for the bottling or if my taste buds were off that night, because the rye is a lot stronger now (which is good). I'm not really in love with the hopping and bittering here though. The bitterness just lingers too long and I don't like how it plays with the rye. Certainly a good beer, just probably not for me.

Heavy Seas - Siren Noire 2013

From Joe Drinks Dinner and Stuff

These dudes go through rebrandings like its nobody's business. "Previously" reviewed here (non-barrel aged but under the same name; confusing)

I wasn't too enthused about this before, but the barrel aging helps it a little. The powdery fake chocolate taste is a little more subtle. There's hints of the barrel aging there, slight vanilla & bourbon taste. Much better than before, but still not fantastic.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Woodstock Inn - Red Rack Ale

From Joe Drinks Dinner and Stuff

Not sure what bucket to drop this one in. Doesn't really matter.

Pretty malty, lightly bitter. Unoffensive, but forgettable. 

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Boulevard -Dark Truth Stout (2012)

More old reviews. Picture stolen by some bros. 

I'm not sure a year has really done anything to this beer. Mild dark fruit flavors eventually comes out after it warms up, but is still buried by the roasted malts. Still a good beer though. 

Sprecher - Piper Scotch Ale

From Joe Drinks Dinner and Stuff

Wow. Super duper peaty. Overpowering. If you like scotch, you may like this. If not, its really off putting. Borders on a smoked ale. I'd pass. 

Monday, April 22, 2013

Maine Beer Co - Lil One

From Joe Drinks Dinner and Stuff

A slightly strange brew. Sweeter than I'd want a barleywine, but its not a barlewine. Truly an american strong ale.

For a strong brew, its mildly sweet and only mildly piney-hoppy and bitter. I don't know. There's nothing offensive about it. Its enjoyable. But its just not great. 

Friday, April 19, 2013

New Belgium - Transatlantic Kriek

From Joe Drinks Dinner and Stuff

Well this was pretty underwhelming. I guess I should have paid attention to the blend on the front of the bottle. 45% ale with cherries (55% ale without).

It definitely has a decent cherry flavor too it, but its just sweet. No offsetting tartness at all.

Do not bother with this. Blah. 

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Sprecher - Abbey Tripel

From Joe Drinks Dinner and Stuff

Yeasty! Definitely a tripel. One of the better beers from the beer of the month club. 

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Mendocino Brewing - Red Tail Ale

From Joe Drinks Dinner and Stuff

This is completely unoffensive and uninspiring. A hint of malt sweetness lingers for an aftertaste. Fairly crisp and not really that sweet. Low bitterness. I'd never buy it, but wouldn't refuse it. 

Monday, April 15, 2013

Woodstock Inn Brewery - Pemi Pale Ale

From Joe Drinks Dinner and Stuff

From the beer of the month club.

Solid malt body. Or more precisely, very malty with a lot of caramel-y flavors. Mild bitterness for the style. Unoffensive. I wouldn't turn one down, but I wouldn't actively purchase one again. 

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Three Stars - Two to the Dome

Finally took a trip out to Three Stars. It's actually a lot more convenient to get to (for me) than DC Brau. Nice little layout there too. I haven't been to the brewery before because I was a little put off by their pricing ($15 for the saison & pale ale, $20 for everything else).

A pretty malty IPA. Nice subtle fruitiness in the aroma and taste. Nice use of citra & centennial. Mild bitterness for the style. Pretty enjoyable. OTWOA gets the nod ahead of this because of pricing. Otherwise pretty darn good. 

Editor's note: [pessimism] I joined Three Stars ridiculous reserve society ( the Illuminati Society: barf) on a whim so expect more bitching about $20 growler fills and bombers that aren't worth the price I paid. [/pessimism]

Friday, April 12, 2013

Howe Sound - Woolly Bugger Barleywine

From Joe Drinks Dinner and Stuff

Not aggressively hopped. I guess its an english style.

Slight tea & woody flavor in addition to the standard sticky sweet maltiness of a barleywine. Decent. Don't go out of your way to get it. 

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Ninkasi - Oatis Oatmeal Stout

From Joe Drinks Dinner and Stuff

Super tasty. Really smooth and drinkable. Nice roasted malt and chocolate flavors. Recommended. 

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Sound Brewery - Tripel Entendre

From Joe Drinks Dinner and Stuff

This isn't a great beer. Its not offensive. Its flat for the style and just missing... something. I would not bother getting this. Pour yourself a La Fin Du Monde instead. 

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Smuttynose - Zinneke

From Joe Drinks Dinner and Stuff

Part straight up, part barrel aged.

Slight hint of the belgian yeast. Maybe a slight woodiness from the barrel aging, but there aren't a lot of vanilla or bourbon flavors here. Nice enough. Good for the price, but Folklore beats it by a mile. 

Monday, April 8, 2013

Weyerbacher - Insanity (2011)

Even more old reviews. 

Oh man this is great. Lots of caramel malt and hints of tobacco. There's a slight vanilla hint to it, but its not hot anymore. Super drinkable. I have two 2012 and two 2013 left and I may hold onto those for a while (even though I'm attempting to drink through my entire "cellar" before moving). 

Editor's note: I still have the 2012's and 2013's. 

Cascade - Blueberry

From Joe Drinks Dinner and Stuff

Not as tart or blueberryific as I was expecting. A hint of brett in the aroma. A hint of blueberry is there, but not really as prevalent as I thought it would be. Nice, but I wouldn't bother getting it again. 

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Hardywood Park - Bourbon Barrel Sidamo Coffee Stout

Even more old reviews. 

Second beer from my stop at the brewery.

This was surprisingly good after the disappointing Hoplar and average raspberry stout and "jalapeno" stout I had samples of at Meridian Pint.

I don't get a strong assertive coffee presence, but there's a great hint of vanilla and bourbon from the barrel aging. Good carbonation, nicely coats the tongue. The best "local" barrel aged beer I've had. (pretty sure its better than the Alewerks offerings but maybe not?)

Friday, April 5, 2013

Uinta - Sea Legs

From Joe Drinks Dinner and Stuff

A barrel aged porter

The wood from the barrel aging is really strong. Very dry and oaky. Pretty easy drinking, but not superb. It's not bad, not great. I wouldn't get it again, but wouldn't turn down a glass (if anyone wants to pay $12 for the bottle for me!).

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Evolution - Menagerie # 8

From Joe Drinks Dinner and Stuff

High carbonation that still didn't really die off even after an hour or so. Carbonation initially masked a lot of the flavor. The wine barrels definitely left their mark. I'm not sure I'd really be able to identify the base beer if it wasn't on the bottle (belgian dark ale). Moderately to really sweet. The aftertaste is like a watered down red wine. Nice enough, but I think I liked the Victory porter aged in wine barrels a lot better (and it was about $4 cheaper too). 

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Goose Island - Bourbon County Brand Coffee Stout

From Joe Drinks Dinner and Stuff

Previously Reviewed

This time around the coffee is a little more muted. Its definitely there, but I think I like the normal Bourbon County Stout better just because its cheaper. 

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Great Lakes - Blackout Stout (2011/2012)

From Joe Drinks Dinner and Stuff

Previously Reviewed Here

Bitterness seems to have fallen off a lot. Chocolate and a hint of coffee are still there. This is decent. Nothing great. I'd drink it fresh if I got another 4 pack. 

Monday, April 1, 2013

Founders - Imperial Stout (2010/2011)

From Joe Drinks Dinner and Stuff

Still has a slightly ashy smell. At this point, its not really bitter. Lots of chocolate. Seems thinner than I remembered. Nothing special now, maybe should have drank it last year?

The 2010/2011 Reviewed in 2012