Friday, July 17, 2009

Look at my Stuff - I Can't Believe I Pull For These Losers

Baseball arrived in the District of Columbia in the Spring of 2005. I went to the first game of the second home series, thanks to my former place of employment. The Newtster tagged along.

An inning or so into the game, I yelled out "N-A-T-S NATS NATS NATS!" Yes, I know its remarkable similar to the Jets cheer. But people just turned around and stared at me. People, its a baseball game, you're allowed to cheer.

4.5 years later, Nationals fans (all seven of us) still don't know how to cheer.

Also pictured above:
1. Cubs ticket. A friend in Chicago and I went to a game. I believe it was the first start for Mark Prior (or Kerry Wood) coming off an injury. I drank a bunch of beer and was generally amazed at how small the stadium was.
2. A portion of a Nationals vs. Brewers ticket. It says its a day game, but I can't remember skipping out of work that year for a game, considering I didn't really get "hooked" on the Nats until the 2006 season.

Bonus Request: If anyone has that ridiculous video of me cheering at the Nats/Cubs game from 3 years ago, post it now.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Look at my Stuff

This one is obviously pretty old. I think I unearthed this when my parents were moving out of my childhood home a few years ago. It must be (at this point) 19 years old.

A few things that I remember about the visit:
1. I was super impressed with how fast the elevator moved.
2. I wondered if you could extend a tight-rope between the WTC and the Empire State Building. I now realize this is an absurd distance, but you could tight rope walk between the towers.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Harpoon Helles Blond Bock

Honestly, I drank this the other day, and I don't remember much about it.

It was probably alright, I'm not sure I'll buy another though.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Random Beer Thoughts

Somewhere in the move I managed to misplace the pictures I took of the beers below, so you get some lame text instead of lame pictures.

Left Hand Imperial Stout
It has just the right amount of carbonation. Tastes a little like molasses. Its a good, big flavored stout. I'd buy it again.

Ithaca Cascazilla
Described as "Monstrously Hoppy Red Ale"

Definitely hoppy for a red ale, but not like an IPA. It works. Its has a sweet malty taste to it. I like it. Bonus points for having a fire breathing lizard on the beer label.

Sierra Nevada BigFoot Ale
big taste upfront. very bitter at first with some malty sweetness. this is not a beer that you would sit down and have a few at a time.
i think i need a summer ale of some sort after that.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Look at my Stuff - Pt 1

A new city (sort of) means a new feature for the blog!!

In this new recurring series, I will present you with stuff that I own.

Some of it will be interesting, most of it will inevitably not be interesting. You be the judge.

Pictured above is an Obi-Wan Kenobi Star Wars Action figure. If I recall correctly, I received this figure by saving proof-of-purchases off of Kellogg's Cereal Boxes in my younger years. I'm not sure why I kept this one figure, but sold off basically every other one I owned. He doesn't even have a totally super awesome lightsaber that pops out of his arm.


Mandy and I have successfully moved back to DC.

"Regular" blogging will resume momentarily.