Saturday, August 14, 2010

Tidying up the Blog - My Readers

For some reason I drafted this post over a year ago and never posted it. Maybe because Mandy did a similar post on Below 6N? Anyway, here it is.

This post is devoted to my loyal readers.

Actually, its devoted to the people who somehow stumble upon my blog.

I sincerely hope that my visitor from Suginami, Japan found the "taco actions" that he/she were looking for.

I think I probably disappointed my reader from Anchorage, Alaska who was interested in "lethal weapon bar scene." They did get to read my great review of Lethal Weapon though.

Madison, Wisconsin - Sandwich Haiku - I have to say, this person probably got exactly what they were looking for.

Austin, Texas - "stuff to make for dinner" - Austin, Texas you've come to the right blog. There certainly is stuff to be found here.

New York - "sausage and pepper truck" - I thought this was an odd thing to be searching for, just because I've never eaten sausage and peppers from a truck. But my favorite place to eat in Sunnyside is a truck, so who am I to judge?